What Do We Offer ?
Workshops are ways for both clients and mental health professionals to expand/ enhance their base of knowledge and skills.
At Goodenough we will be offering a variety of workshops for different community members, using innovative and experiential delivery models to establish vibrant spaces that nurture mental health.
The mission of Goodenough is rooted in narrative ideas and geared towards creating inclusive spaces. The workshops will introduce participants to a variety of topics, covering meaningful content around mental health with a focus on self-exploration keeping in mind academic rigor.
Kindly check the ‘Events’ section or click here to know more about the current offerings.
Group sessions/ therapy
Guided interaction or discussion aimed at building a supportive community of people dealing with similar mental health concerns.
Pain and shame grow when kept hidden to oneself. They can’t survive in the presence of empathic others who are in the similar boat as us. This is the spirit of group therapy where therapist/s provide mental health interventions to a group of people facing similar issues.
Joining a group of strangers to work on one’s mental health may sound a little intimidating but group therapy can be helpful in several ways in which even individual therapy may not. It’s a felt reminder that you are not walking alone. Group therapies often turn into support networks that you can rely on.
We offer group therapies based on well-researched interventions of varied lengths ranging from single session to recurring ones happening at regular intervals.
Kindly check the ‘Events’ section or click here to know more about the current offerings.
Conversational spaces & open sessions
Holding spaces for otherwise difficult conversations and voices that find it difficult to be heard in mainstream society.
We hope to create a space to address broader topics related to our inner worlds and ecosystem. This would involve explorations of our needs to express, hear from others, relate and respond to each other’s views and perspectives. It could also allow us to face and understand our fears, inhibitions, prejudices, conditionings and any hidden defenses and come together as a community to build useful practices to address them.
Kindly check the ‘Events’ section or click here to know more about the current offerings.
One Brave Person Speaking Up Can Unleash All Those Afraid To Voice The Same View
Resources for professionals
Creating opportunities for interaction and development of specific skills of mental health practitioners.
The idea of this offering is to create interesting immersive content for mental health professionals which will help them in their work with individuals and groups. This particular space is meant for creating opportunities for interaction and development of specific skills of mental health practitioners.
Kindly check the ‘Events’ section or click here to know more about the current offerings.