Why GoodEnough ?

GoodEnough is a space where you are welcome as you are. We wish to provide you a safe environment where you can drop the pressures to be a certain way, to be other than who you are.

The concept of being ‘good enough’ was first introduced by pediatrician and psychoanalyst Donald Winnicott in the 1950s where he said:

“The good-enough mother … starts off with an almost complete adaptation to her infant’s needs, and as time proceeds she adapts less and less completely, gradually, according to the infant’s growing ability to deal with her failure.”

The concept was given as a response to how perfectionism can be difficult and counterproductive. He emphasized on the idea that a good-enough mother is better than a perfect mother. He spoke about the term in the context of parenting and how more than perfection a child needs, caring and well-intentioned parents. The idea of perfectionism has creeped in at various levels of our personal and professional lives and has been seen as a norm in most societies. The idea of ‘good enough’ can be applied in a variety of contexts as an antidote to the culture of perfectionism.

It needs a lot of strength and resilience to keep the ordinary life going, to lead a life through myriad challenges coming on the way in itself is a brave act. The term ‘good enough’ is an acknowledgement of the realities of life and how each one of us perhaps are living a good enough life.

You may be someone taken over by anxiety, depression, fears, stress, relationship difficulties and various other invisible problems of living. We all get caught up in these problem stories that make us feel less of ourselves and hijack us into a world where we seem to have lost our way. For many of us, our journey into mental health begins from here. Often it feels lonely. But it need not be. We join you to explore together in a ‘brave space’ the kind of meaningful life that you wish to build for yourself. To discover your not perfect but goodenough self.

At GoodEnough we believe that mental health is a journey where alone we grow, together we thrive.

We strive to offer people space to walk their journey towards mental health by building allies and creating possibilities to grow together in a goodenough community. We intend to make mental health affordable and accessible to all. We also aim to create resources on mental health drawing from the wisdom of lived experiences of people to widen its reach across various sections of society.